Monday, October 07, 2002

Quote of the Day

Lifted from Gerard Sarafin's lushly illustrated and highly therapeutic blog, A Blog For Lovers, in recognition of our most recently canonized saint, Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei:

"Our Church is the Church of the saints. He who approaches her with mistrust sees nothing, but closed doors and barriers... Our Church, however, is the Church of the saints. To become a saint, what bishop would not give up his ring, his mitre; what cardinal would not give up his purple, what pontiff would not give up his white dress, his chamberlains, his Swiss guard and all his temporal possessions?

"Who would not like to have the strength to pursue this wonderful adventure? Because holiness is an adventure, and even the only adventure. He who has once understood this has entered into the heart of Catholic faith, and felt his mortal flesh shudder with a dread different from that of death, a superhuman hope. Our Church is a Church of the saints."

Georges Bernanos

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