Monday, January 12, 2004

Old News

Forgot to post my grades from Fall:

Chorale A
Church Music A
Organ B+

Organ was a nice surprise - was expecting another lackluster grade.

New News

My left ear has been swollen shut since last Thursday - missing work, church, school - can't listen to nothin'! Had to skip the Bowie concert on Friday, two church gigs over the weekend. Zithromax therapy has been to no avail so far. Grumble.

Still was able to get some music work done - assembled some sheet music to submit to OCP for their new Spirit and Song 2.0 hymnal, a teen / young adult oriented collection. I used to buy S&S 1.0 for the graduating HS seniors from my teen choir. Nice little book, and the only OCP resource using much of any Praise & Worship stuff.

If they don't get published, at least I'll finally get a rejection slip! Some composer friends have been ribbing me about my lack of those (I'm 1 for 1 so far).

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